eyes…on the dummy

Talented marionette…and, of course, a little credit goes to the man behind the puppet, pulling the strings. A gift from my English friend Sylvia…and the French for this refreshing piece of entertainment. Where are my tea and biscuits? Care to join me in a little repass?

…if the guy dangling from the strings can do it…why can’t i?………………. makes you wonder ………………………..hugmamma.

4 thoughts on “eyes…on the dummy

    • I was just telling my husband he had to take a look at this post. It is amazing and hilarious at the same time.

      what some people can get dummies to do…true talent…some people even do it to other people…manipulation, i think it’s called. šŸ˜‰


hugs for sharing some brief thoughts...and keeping them positive